Distributive Negotiation — 3 Powerful Examples (2024)

Want to check out more negotiation case studies? We actually created an overview with 13 inspiring real-life negotiation examples.

Advantages of Distributive Negotiation

Use this style if:

  • You need to act fast

  • You are 100% sure you’re right about the situation

  • You are dealing with an opponent who will abuse you if you show non-competitive behavior

  • The situation is important and an unpopular decision needs to be taken

  • Other negotiation styles are not possible

Disadvantages of Distributive Negotiation

Potential downside of the distributive negotiation style:

  • Fear of admitting ignorance of uncertainty

  • Reduced communication and no opportunity to explore alternative solutions

  • You’ll be surrounded by a ‘yes’ team. Because it’s tough to disagree with a competitive negotiator in your team

  • You might damage the relationship with your opponent

  • You’ll receive little commitment from your opponent which adds risks to the implementation phase of your deal

In general, there are 2 types of negotiations:

There are many situations that call for an integrative negotiation, as it will create a long-lasting mutual value.

If you want to know more about integrative negotiations, this article contains 13 negotiation principles for integrative negotiations.

Distributive Negotiation Tips and Strategies

    1. Know your BATNA

    BATNA stands for “Best alternative to no agreement”. It’s your backup plan if your negotiation doesn’t lead to a deal. By determining a BATNA you’ll have more confidence because you have a backup plan if the negotiation doesn’t work out. Because of this, you won’t feel forced to make a bad deal.

    Going into any negotiation, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your BATNA. If you’re negotiating with a supplier, be sure about the pricing of alternative suppliers. If you’re negotiating over salary, your alternatives might be a different job offer.

    For example:

    Mark, a procurement manager of a large supermarket is negotiating with a supplier of canned food. The supplier offers to deliver 100,000 pieces for a price of $1.50 within two weeks. The procurement manager knows that a different supplier offers the same product for $1.40, therefore Mark knows this offer is worse than his BATNA and he shouldn’t agree.

    2. Have a clear strategy. What is important to you, and why?

    Before your negotiation, it’s important to plan. Key things you should have a clear answer to:

    It is very important to think about these things thoroughly. Too many negotiations fail because people get worried about being taken advantage of that they forget what they really need. It’s silly to only focus on preventing the other party from winning, instead focus on your own goals.

    In most negotiation situations you will have a continuing relationship with the other person. That’s why it’s important to come to a mutual feeling of ‘winning’ for both parties. If the other person feels like he lost, he might lack commitment in the execution phase of the deal. Or even worse, he will be after retaliation.

    3. Focus on interests instead of positions

    A key in value claiming can be found in underlying interests. Sounds vague? Let me explain.

    Mark, a procurement manager for a big supermarket is negotiating with a supplier of canned food. Mark’s main goal is to purchase the cans for $1.40 per piece, and he assumes the supplier tries to sell them for $1.60 per piece.

    They could just simply negotiate about the price of the cans. But what if they explore the underlying interests? After talking for a bit, Mark finds out the supplier has cash flow problems.

    Suddenly an interesting variable is added to the table. Mark offers to do an upfront payment of 100% of the deal value if the supplier is willing to accept his price. The supplier agrees.

    Procurement Expert’s Advice on Distributive Negotiation

    For this article, we asked a seasoned procurement professional to share his insights regarding distributive negotiation.

    Sjoerd Goedhart
    Owner, Goedhart Interim Management & Consultancy

    LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sjoerdgoedhart/

    1. Can you share a personal example of distributive negotiation? What can readers learn from this?

    “As a seller of a high-rotation food product to a buying group for several supermarkets, negotiations often revolved around just one aspect – the price. As a manufacturer, we tried to negotiate other variables, but the buyers were not open to discussing them. If a negotiation is one-dimensional like this, the supplier must have strong arguments and evidence to support a price increase. This enables a fact-based negotiation, and if the buyer does not agree to the supplier’s price, they will have to question the validity of the arguments presented. In cases where the price increase is due to raw material developments, the supplier must provide clear overviews of the impact of these developments on the product. It is also important for the supplier to have a cost-price breakdown that calculates the exact impact of each component on the product.”

    2. What should readers know about distributive Negotiation?

    “Distributive negotiation is not a matter of powerplay. It’s a matter of good preparation and having clear objectives of the others. Without good preparation, none of the parties is a winner in a distributive negotiation.”

    3. What is the biggest misconception about distributive negotiation? What do most people get wrong about this topic?

    “It is a common misconception that distributive negotiation always damages the relationship between the buyer and seller. However, in strategic negotiation, both parties should prepare for all possible negotiation strategies and have an appropriate response or alternative to them. If both parties are aware that all negotiation strategies are allowed, they can prepare for this without harming their relationship during the negotiation. Even if no agreement can be reached, it does not necessarily lead to the disruption of their relationship. Both parties will remain in contact with each other as the buyer must have alternative suppliers, and as a seller, you are always looking for potential customers.”

    4. What are the key tactics used in distributive negotiation, and when is this approach most effective?

    “It is important to know exactly what your position is and the position of the other person and to have a clear picture of the outcome you want to achieve and want to hold to. Also, think about possible sticks to “force” the other parties to move toward your price.”

    5. Can you discuss a case where distributive negotiation was successfully employed in procurement?

    “During the Ukrain-crises many of these cases were successfully employed, driven by the very high prices of raw materials. Suppliers asked proactively for higher prices under the condition to stop deliveries if not accepted. They knew that their customers had a lot of issues with the extremely increasing prices and availability of the goods. they didn’t have time to negotiate because having goods on the shelves was the highest priority.”

    Follow-up Question: In terms of relationships with suppliers, how were these maintained or impacted during the distributive negotiations, and were there long-term consequences on the supplier-customer relationships?

    “When it comes to maintaining relationships with suppliers, distributive negotiations can indeed have an impact. During the COVID-19 crisis, there was often a heightened sense of commitment to align and reach agreements due to the challenging circ*mstances faced by both parties. However, there can be long-term consequences on the supplier-customer relationship as a result of distributive negotiations. This possibility should be considered and addressed during preparation. Sometimes, the impact on the relationship is acknowledged as an unavoidable consequence. In such cases, negotiations may take a tougher stance. However, if preserving the relationship is a priority, alternative negotiation strategies may be employed to mitigate potential damage.”

    6. Is distributive negotiation inherently negative because it prioritizes the victory of only one party in the negotiation?

    “In my opinion not. If it is a strategy of both parties, this does not necessarily have to be negative. Parties must be aware that there is a chance that they will not do business and should have to have a BATNA. If they have a BATNA, it doesn’t necessarily mean that only one side has achieved a victory.”

    7. In distributive negotiation, is it possible for the other party to perceive a sense of victory in the negotiation as well?

    “Of course, that depends on the defined breakpoint. If the “losing” party’s deal is completed within the specified breakpoint, this party may still make a profit and/or perceive a sense of victory.”

    Featured Download: Enjoying this article? If so, click here to find out your own negotiation styles so that you can prepare your upcoming negotiation and gain better results.


    Distributive negotiation, also known as value claiming, is a strategy focused on dividing up the pie of values, often characterized by a win-lose approach. This is typically centered around a single issue, such as price.

    The difference between distributive and integrative negotiation is highlighted by the competitive nature of the former and the collaborative approach of the latter.

    Overall, understanding the nuances of distributive negotiation is crucial for negotiators aiming for successful outcomes while maintaining long-term relationships.

    Distributive Negotiation — 3 Powerful Examples (2024)


    What are some examples of distributive negotiation? ›

    A great example of distributive negotiation is haggling over the price of a car at a dealership. It's likely that arguing for a lower price may benefit you, but cost the dealership. It's also likely that you're not going to buy another car any time soon, so you “win” without any future consequences.

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    This is the power that is derived through threats, punishments, sanctions, and other negative consequences. For example, one party threatens to put the other party out of business or ruin their reputation if they don't agree to certain deal points.

    What are the three 3 most important negotiating skills and why? ›

    Developing these three essential negotiation skills will give you the confidence to successfully negotiate any agreement.
    • Planning & Preparation. ...
    • Emotional Intelligence. ...
    • Creative Problem Solving.
    Mar 9, 2017

    What are examples of integrative negotiation? ›

    For your price of $19,000, I'd like you to include three years of free servicing. If you do that, I'll pay you 50 percent of the price up front, and the rest over just two years." This is an example of integrative negotiation.

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    What are the five stages of the negotiation process?
    • Preparation and planning.
    • Definition of ground rules.
    • Clarification and justification.
    • Bargaining and problem-solving.
    • Closure and implementation.

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    Most people know intuitively that if they are to be convincing, they need to be confident, and if they are to be confident, they need to be comfortable (comfortable, confident, and convincing are what I term the three C's of negotiation).

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    The 3 P's of Great Negotiations: Prepare, Probe, Propose.

    When to use distributive vs integrative negotiation? ›

    Integrative Negotiation aims for mutual gain, whereas Distributive Negotiation aims for maximizing personal benefits. The outcome of Distributive Negotiation is always a win-lose scenario, whereas it's a win-win scenario for Integrative Negotiation.

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    Your best alternative to a negotiated agreement, or BATNA, is often your best source of bargaining power. By cultivating a strong outside alternative, you gain the power you need to walk away from an unappealing deal.

    What is power-based negotiation? ›

    This chapter explains power-based negotiation is an adversarial process in which each party tries to exert influence on the other in order to achieve a solution that meets his or her preferred outcomes or self-interests.

    What is an example of a strong bargaining power of buyers? ›

    In a buyer's market, the bargaining power of buyers is strong. Sellers may reduce the price of the house to gain offers while listing it on the market. Buyers may ask for seller incentive concessions like paying for points on the buyer's loan and offering an allowance for repairs.

    What is distributive negotiation? ›

    Distributive negotiation is defined as a form of negotiation in which the involved parties give each other offers and counter offers in sharing a given fixed resource. The individuals involved in the negotiations want the best offer that favors them. This is also referred to as distributive bargaining.

    What are the three negotiation strategies? ›

    Three Negotiation Strategies—and When to Use …
    • Integrative Negotiation.
    • Distributive Negotiation.
    • Mixed Motive Negotiation.
    Aug 19, 2020

    What are the 3 possible outcome of negotiation? ›

    The end result of almost all two party negotiations can be categorized as win-lose (one party benefits to the detriment of the other), lose-lose (both parties are worse off after the negotiation), or win-win (both parties come out ahead).

    What is an example of a direct negotiation? ›

    In direct negotiation, the parties have no formal process and no requirements which must be meet, unless they wish to set requirements or guidelines. If you have ever bought a car, you have performed direct negotiation with the seller.

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    Distributive approach is used to determine the relationship between the outcome of consumer decision-making and a variety of independent variables such as income, social class, race, and marital status.

    What is the distributive approach to conflict resolution? ›

    In distributive bargaining, the conflict is due to the fact that the goals of one party are against the goals of the other party, known as a win-lose situation. Each part of the conflict wants to win and end up with the best result.


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