Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (2024)

Last updated on Jun 05, 2022 at 12:37by Stan1 comment

The following guide covers everything you need to know about ShadowlandsPvP Season 3, including gearing options, upgrade costs, rewards, and more.


Patch 9.2.5 Changes

As of June 2, 2022, Au'Dara the Heirloom broker located inOribos next to the Flight Master sells the following bind-on-accountitem:

  • Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (1) Cosmic Equipment Chest — Contains one piece of item level 249Unranked PvP gear. The chest can only be purchased with Conquest by a characterwith a 1,400 or higher rating in any PvP bracket. One chest costs 375Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (2) Conquest.


PvP Changes in Patch 9.2

  • A new Solo Shuffle PvP Brawl has been added.
  • Gladiator's Distinction trinket bonus has been redesigned — Increasesyour Primary Stat by 175 and Stamina by 350 when in Arenas, Battlegrounds,and War Mode.


When Does Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Start?

Shadowlands PvP Season 3 started on March 1, 2022.


When Does Shadowlands PvP Season 3 End?

No end date for Season 3 has been announced yet.


Solo Shuffle PvP Brawl in Patch 9.2

The Solo Shuffle brawl pits 6 players (2 healers and 4 damage dealers) againsteach other in exciting 3v3 Arena matches. You can only queue for the brawl solo.Play a series of short matches as teams are shuffled and earn rewardsbased on your performance. Solo Shuffle is permanently available and not ona rotating schedule.

You can queue up for Solo Shuffle by pressing H and picking theSolo Shuffle option and clicking on Join Battle.

Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (4)

The reward for winning a round of Solo Shuffle is 160 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (5) Honor and15 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (6) Conquest, making it quite efficient for Honor farming.


PvP Vendors in Shadowlands Season 3

You can buy gear from PvP vendors in Oribos, at 36, 57.

  • Purveyor Zo'kuul sells Rank 1 (Item Level 203) Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (8) Honor PvP gear.
  • Zo'sorg sells Unranked (Item Level 249) Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (9) Conquest PvP gear.
  • Aggressor Zo'dash can upgrade Unrated PvP gear (up to Rank 7)and Rated PvP gear (up to Rank 9) for Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (10) Honor.
  • Strategist Zo'rak offers a couple of quests that you can complete eachweek:
    • Observing Arenas: Obtain 250 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (11) Conquest in Arenas to receive2 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (12) Multi-Modal Anima Container and 500 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (13) Honor.
    • Observing Skirmishes: Obtain 250 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (14) Honor from Arena Skirmishesto receive 1 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (15) Multi-Modal Anima Container and 350 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (16) Honor.
    • Observing Teamwork: obtain Honor in Rated Battlegrounds for1 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (17) Multi-Modal Anima Container, 175 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (18) Conquest and 750Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (19) Honor.
    • Observing the Chase requires you to enable War Mode and slay 1player within the world for 1 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (20) Net-o-Matic 5000, 50 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (21) Conquestand 200 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (22) Honor.
    • Solo Mission: Complete 5 rounds of Solo Shuffle for 2Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (23) Multi-Modal Anima Containers, 175 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (24) Conquest, and 500 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (25) Honor.
  • Zo'sorg offers a new War Mode quest called A New Deal inPatch 9.2.To complete it, you must enable War Mode and collect 150 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (26) Protoplasmic Threadsin Zereth Mortis from Annelid Mudborers located at 56, 76.Upon completion, you will be given an Item Level 249 Gladiator's trinketand 500 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (27) Honor.


Honor PvP Gear in Shadowlands Season 3

Honor gear starts at Rank 1 (Item Level 203) and the item cost depends on theslot.

  • Amulets/Back/Wrist/Rings cost 525 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (28) Honor;
  • Shoulders/Hands/Waist/Feet cost 700 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (29) Honor;
  • Head/Chest/Legs cost 875 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (30) Honor;
  • One-Hand Weapons cost 1,325 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (31) Honor;
  • Off-Hand items cost 425 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (32) Honor;
  • Two-Hand Weapons cost 1,750 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (33) Honor;
  • Trinkets cost between 525 and 700 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (34) Honor.


Honor Gear Scaling in Shadowlands Season 3

In War Mode, Arenas, and Battlegrounds, Unrated PvP (Honor) gear scales up by17-36 item levels.. For example, an item level 203 (Rank 1) piece of Honorgear retains item level 203 in PvE, but scales to item level 239 in PvP. However,at higher ranks, the item level increase in PvP combat and War Mode decreases.If you upgrade Honor gear to rank 7 it will have item level 242 and only scale upby 17 item levels to item level 259 in PvP situations.


Upgrading Honor PvP Gear in Shadowlands Season 3

Honor gear starts at Rank 1 (Item Level 203) and can be upgradedup to Rank 7 (Item Level 242) with Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (35) Honor.

The upper limit of this kind of upgrade is determined by your Renownlevel, and players can hold a maximum of 15,000 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (36) Honor.

  • Renown Level 44 is required to upgrade Unrated PvP equipmentto Rank 4, and 5.
  • Renown Level 59 is required to upgrade Unrated PvP equipmentto Rank 6 and 7..

Talk to Aggressor Zo'dash and drag an item to the window to upgrade it.There, you will see stats of the next rank and the upgrade cost.

For better illustration, we include a table with all the informationmentioned above.

Unrated PvP StepItem LevelItem Level in PvP
Step 1210242
Step 2216246
Step 3 (Renown 44)223249
Step 4229252
Step 5 (Renown 59)236255
Step 6242259


Honor PvP Gear Upgrade Costs in Shadowlands PvP Season 3

The amount of Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (38) Honor required to upgrade PvP items increases with ranks.The cost also depends on the armor slot of the upgraded item.

  • Head, Chest, Leg Slots
    • Rank 2 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (210) and costs 500 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (39) Honor Points.
    • Rank 3 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (216) and costs 575 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (40) Honor Points.
    • Rank 4 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (223) and costs 650 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (41) Honor Points.
    • Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (229) and costs 775 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (42) Honor Points.
    • Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (236) and costs 900 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (43) Honor Points andthe item's quality changes from Rare to Epic.
    • Rank 7 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (242) and costs 1,025 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (44) Honor Points.
  • One-Hand Weapons
    • Rank 2 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (210) and costs 750 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (45) Honor Points.
    • Rank 3 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (216) and costs 875 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (46) Honor Points.
    • Rank 4 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (223) and costs 975 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (47) Honor Points.
    • Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (229) and costs 1,175 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (48) Honor Points.
    • Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (236) and costs 1,350 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (49) Honor Points andthe item's quality changes from Rare to Epic.
    • Rank 7 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (242) and costs 1.550 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (50) Honor Points.
  • Two-Hand Weapons
    • Rank 2 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (184) and costs 1,000 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (51) Honor Points.
    • Rank 3 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (190) and costs 1,150 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (52) Honor Points.
    • Rank 4 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (197) and costs 1,300 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (53) Honor Points.
    • Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (203) and costs 1,550 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (54) Honor Points.
    • Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (210) and costs 1,800 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (55) Honor Points andchanges the item's quality from Rare to Epic.
    • Rank 7 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (216) and costs 2,050 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (56) Honor Points.
  • Off Hand Items
    • Rank 2 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (184) and costs 250 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (57) Honor Points.
    • Rank 3 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (190) and costs 275 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (58) Honor Points.
    • Rank 4 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (197) and costs 325 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (59) Honor Points.
    • Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (203) and costs 375 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (60) Honor Points.
    • Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (210) and costs 450 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (61) Honor Points andchanges the item's quality from Rare to Epic.
    • Rank 7 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (216) and costs 500 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (62) Honor Points.
  • Amulets, Rings, Trinkets, Cloak, Wrists
    • Rank 2 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (210) and costs 300 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (63) Honor Points.
    • Rank 3 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (216) and costs 350 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (64) Honor Points.
    • Rank 4 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (223) and costs 375 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (65) Honor Points.
    • Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (229) and costs 450 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (66) Honor Points.
    • Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (236) and costs 525 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (67) Honor Pointsand changes the item's quality from Rare to Epic.
    • Rank 7 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (242) and costs 600 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (68) Honor Points.
  • Shoulders/Hands/Waist/Feet
    • Rank 2 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (210) and costs 400 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (69) Honor Points.
    • Rank 3 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (216) and costs 450 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (70) Honor Points.
    • Rank 4 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (223) and costs 500 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (71) Honor Points.
    • Rank 5 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (229) and costs 600 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (72) Honor Points.
    • Rank 6 Upgrade adds +7 Item Levels (236) and costs 725 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (73) Honor Points andchanges the item's quality from Rare to Epic.
    • Rank 7 Upgrade adds +6 Item Levels (242) and costs 825 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (74) Honor Points.


Conquest PvP Gear in Shadowlands Season 3

On May 10, 2022, the Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (75) Conquest cap was removed.

Unranked Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (76) Conquest gear starts at Item Level 249 and item costs dependon the item slot.

  • Back/Wrist/Rings cost 525 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (77) Conquest;
  • Shoulders/Hands/Waist/Feet cost 700 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (78) Conquest;
  • Head/Chest/Legs cost 875 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (79) Conquest;
  • Trinkets cost 525 and 700 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (80) Conquest;
  • One-Hand Weapons cost 1,350 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (81) Conquest;
  • Off-Hands/Amulets cost 450 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (82) Conquest;
  • Two-Hand Weapons cost 1,800 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (83) Conquest.

Conduits on the vendor are of item level 239 and appear on the vendorautomatically when your rating increases and cost 200 Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (84) Conquest each.


Conquest Gear Scaling in Shadowlands Season 3

Rated PvP (Conquest) gear scales only up by 10-13 item levels in PvPsituations. For instance, an item level 246 (Rank 1) gear piece would scale toitem level 259, but a Rank 7 item level 275 gear piece would scale up in PvP by10 item levels to item level 285.


Upgrading Conquest PvP Gear in Shadowlands Season 3

Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (85) Conquest gear starts at Rank 1 (Item Level 249) and can beupgraded all the way to Rank 9 (Item Level 275) with Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (86) Honor.

The upper limit upgrade is determined by your current highest ratingbracket in Arenas or Rated Battlegrounds:

  • Unranked — Item Level 249;
  • Rank 2 Combatant I; Item Level 252;
  • Rank 3 Combatant II; Item Level 255;
  • Rank 4 Challenger I; Item Level 259;
  • Rank 5 Challenger II; Item Level 262;
  • Rank 6 Rival I; Item Level 265;
  • Rank 7 Rival II; Item Level 268;
  • Rank 8 Duelist; Item Level 272;
  • Rank 9 Elite; Item Level 275.

Please, refer to the table below for more information.

New RatingRated PvP RanksItem LevelItem Level in PvP
Rank 1 Unranked249262
1,000Rank 2 Combatant I252265
1,200Rank 3 Combatant II255268
1,400Rank 4 Challenger I259272
1,600Rank 5 Challenger II262275
1,800Rank 6 Rival I265278
1,950Rank 7 Rival II268281
2,100Rank 8 Duelist272285
2,400Rank 9 Elite275285


Conquest PvP Gear Upgrade Costs in Shadowlands PvP Season 3

The amount of Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (87) Honor required to upgrade Conquest items increases withand is different for each armor slot. This section will be updated with theexact upgrade costs in the near future.


Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Rewards

If you complete the Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (88) Cosmic Gladiator: Shadowlands Season 3 achievementand become Gladiator in Shadowlands PvP Season 3, you will receivethe Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (89) Cosmic Gladiator's Soul Eater mount and the Cosmic Gladiator title.Note that Gladiator mounts are account-wide.

Vicious mounts for Season 3 are Alliance and Horde-themed Warstalker andCroaker.

You can learn more about these mounts in our collection guides for 9.2 below.

Patch 9.2 Endgame MountsPatch 9.2 Mount Collection Hub



  • 05 Jun. 2022: Guide updated with Cosmic Equipment Chest.
  • 05 May 2022: Conquest cap removed.
  • 02 Mar. 2022: Guide added.

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Shadowlands PvP Season 3 Guide: PvP Vendors, How to Upgrade PvP Gear, and Rewards (2024)


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