The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)

TiHj LiE AVESrW OKTH TIMES TUESDAY MOKSmSTG, SEPTEMBER 27, 1881. and the field, and see how earnestly and that he has positively determined to leave the cabinet at once. He will send his res world's history for time immemorial and place James A. Garfield among the greatest TO THE GRAVE. Concluded from the First Page.

1'ieiessiy ana cneeriuuy ne labors during the vacation in acquiring the needed men of this progressive age. money for support during the coming term. next week in Davis county, where the people charge a county treasurer with being a defaulter. Hon. C.

A. Logan and wife, are in the city for a short visit, accompanied by their son Thomas! It has been many years since Dr. and Mrs. Logan have been back to their old home, and their many friends will greet them warmly. District Court.

flags, while the rear of the church was also draped, a large picture of the martyred The other scene took nlace at Wnshincr. Court met, pursuant to adjournment; morninn at 10 o'clock In the prison chapel, and yesterday afternooon at 3 o'clock, work having been suspended, the convicts again assembled at the chapel, where special memorial services were held, the chaplain offiicating. Universal sadness rested upon the faces of the prisoners, and there were tears in many eyes as the mournful ceremonies progressed, forming a picture which, once seen, can never be forgotten. THE SORROW AT HOME. P.

present, Hon. R. Crozier, judge; dead, surrounded by lings and crape, occupying the center of the recess, the pulpit clerk. Lowe, sheriff; and McCown II unt, ton on the 4th of March last. Great of people from all parts of the American union were before him as he proudly stood on the steps of the national capitol.

Representatives of the army and navy in their brilliant uniforms, were there in force. The ignation to President Arthur in a few days and will probably not return to Washington for some time. It is said that Secretary Blaine has no desire to be retained in the cabinet, and that tbe associations of the state department and the routine of his duties are painful to him, in view of his intimate relations with the late president. There is nothing, it is said, Secretary Blaine holds which requires his presence at the head of the state depart and chandeliers hIso bcine draped. Several IN MEMORIAM.

his Heavenly Father's house, in the realms of bliss; prepared for him from the beginning; a new Mentor in God's elysium; there his spirit will spring forth, free and exalting, amid the liberties, the light, the splendors and the powers of the world to come. His bravery in the battlefield; his yalor and resoluteness in asserting and vindicating law and justice, in pleading and maintaining the nation's cause: his brilliancy of mind; his superior capacity to discharge the duties and responsibilities of the high office he he occupied; his magnanimity and politeness in his social and official intercourse, his pleasure in devotional exercises, his tolerance of those of' different creeds, and various other similar gems of character, form rows of precious stones in the crown of life which he obtained for him floral tributes were also prominent, Hon. i Edward Sailings presented the The pastor, Rev. II. C.

Marshall, in his resolutions passed at a meeting of the members the senate and house of repre Remember the sale of stuff birds at Hook'a auction rooms this morning, at 10 o'clock. All who have seen the collection agree that it is the finest ever exhibited. Uhe sale to be well attended. opening referred to the signs of mourning sentatives were there, a id there stood in members of the bar and other officers of the court held in the court room this their long robes, the judges of the supreme going thence south to Walnut and eastward to the southwest corner ot Court House square. When the march began the bells of the various churches began to toll and a general solemn feeling seemed to pervade the entire mulitude on the street The firing of a cannon at intervals, in the court house square, lent niuc' to the solemnity of the occasion.

The business houses were closed along the line of march, the business men and employes taking part in the procession. The commandery of Knights Templar, division of Knights of Pythias and encampment of Oild Fellows were each large bodies. The commandery was gnided by Mr. J. V.

Ellard, the encampment by Mr. Geo. Beven and theKnightsof Pythias by grand chancellor J. H. Lyon.

The Hibernian Society was under command of Mr. James McAuliff. The Catholic Knights of America were commanded by Mr. Philip Doyle. Mr.

A. Crowe! I had charge of C. M. A. Society No.

1, and Hon. John Hannon commanded No. 2. of he same organization. The Turners and Cadets were an important feature in the procession; they were under command of Mr.

F. Noll. The Knights of Honor were commanded Jby Mr. Warren. court.

There, too, in their glittering ms- all over the land; when the nation was in the miust of prosperity the wrath of God had visited it; we had turned away morning: tumes, were assembled the diplomatic rep resentatives of the nationsof the world. In Whereas, The president of the United ment. All of its affairs are in such a snape that a new man can ake hold without dif from Uod. and He had afflieted us this August presence and with t.hi States, James A. Garfield, has gone the lie prayed that we might bow to the will wav of all humanity under circ*mstances quickly with the questions presented.

His readiness in debate during the latter part of his congressional career often occasioned of peculiar sadness, of II i in who "giveth and taketh away," and profit by this sand dispensation; for Resolved, That we deeply sympathize self and by these features and the hen ic For want of space and time the advertisem*nts of some of our business men are crowded out, prominent among them being that of Henry Ettenson, which will appear in our Wednesday's edition. Our advertisers will please kindly overlook the omissions as the unprecedented amount of news, which the readers of The Times will look in the morning, render them imperative. the k'ed mother, gray-baireci and neanng with the bereaved family and keenly regrt surprise among those unacquainted with manful suffering during the weary eighty the Brigbt Land; for the iiill.cted wife, pa niS StUdlOUS habits. Ho an ove.oft. days of painful sickness, we may form an the loss sustained by the nation, ana mat we appreciate the heroic fortitude of the tient.

noble and loving; for the bereaved ingly hard worker in his library and his an 1 fatherless children; for the na idea of what great designs and striking actions for the benefit and welfare of our sufferer and admire the noble and dignified muni was stored with useful information upon every subject. tion. that it might be taught by this to ficulty or embarrassment. Those who claim to know of Secretary Blaine's intentions say that he expects President Arthur to constitute a new. cabinet, and really thinks that he ought to do so.

Secretary Blaine has put a stop to the furtLer construction of the fine resident he was building, the site and building materials are for sale, which looks like he does not expect to reside in Washington in the future. It is considered in some quarters that the legal term of Post beloved country might have been executed. womanly bearing and conduct oi his companion in the terribly trying ordeal break away from its sins. The congregation then sang the 137th had not the cold-blooded, murderous hand of an assassin thwarted his an I in common civilized people everywhere we mourn loss of this great man, and sympathiz- with his stricken family through which she has passed. Resolved, Tnat in order that these expres our most sanguine anticipations.

and we meet here to-dav to eive exnres- let us. then, cherish the psalm, beginning: By Babel's stream we nut unci wept, For memory S'ilt to Ziuu clung; Th wind aioue our Heart -string swept, Thai on Hie drooping willows bung." sions of our sentiments be Deserved, the chairman, E. Sailings. present these sion. a a orm! way.

to these sentiments Mr. Charles Cornish has been obliged to increase his force of clerks and now baa two men. He is doing a smashing good business, and his stock of furnishing goods is complete and first class in every respect. You can save money by purchasing your winter underwear at his establishment, 412 Delaware street. memory of one so dear to the world; cher How Leavenworth Paid Tribute to the Memory of the Iepnrted.

The mournful pageant is over; the vast crowds have disappeared from the streets; the city has assumed its wonted and business activity, and the citizens pursue their callings and avocations as before, but still will flutter in the wind for wauy a day the dark emblems of the national sorrow, while, with the generation now living, the va ed scene yester.hy's observance will remain green as long as memory holds harseat. All tl ugh th-s nior iing of, ye terday there brooded strange, unnatural quiet, and the city put on a still deeper hue of mourning. At an early hour the crowds began to assemble at points which promised a good view of the procession, anp as the day wore on toward the meridian, the throngs increased. As noon approached there was re newed activity in those quarters of the city, where the armories of tin-military and the halls of the civic and secret societies are looated, and soon the strainsof mournful mui-ie and the tap of the muffled drum gave notice that the different bodies which were to take part iu the procession, were moving towards the point of ish the memory of him who was so pious a resolutions to the district court of Leavenworth county, with the request that they be recorded on its journals. Mr.

Marshall theo invited attention to son to his aged, venerable nwjther, so ex-mplary a husband to his devoted wife. some thoughts caused by reading a portion In compliance with the request in the and so affectionate a father to his now, of the prophecy of Isaiah, 20th chapter: alas! orphaned children. master U. neral James wine ha mc oh the 10th of next month (October) Congress, in creating the office of postmaster-general, provides that he shall hold the office one month after the expiration of the term of the president bv whom he was ap above resolutions it is ordered that they be entered conspicuously on the journals of "la that day shall this song be sung iu the land of He will be the pride of our nation as No window in this city ever attracted so much attention as did Ed. Morgan's Garfield memorial window.

long as a true American lives on Ameri the court, and that certified copies then he forwarded to the family of the late presi can soil; vea, the noble and universal He referred to the manner in which the chas'ening hand of God had been laid upon Israel when forgetful of Him; yet that dent, and deposited in the office of the sec grief and sorrow for our illustrious chief will be immortal, like the glory of his retary of state of the United States. chastening had turned them back to Him, And it is further ordered that as a mark country, and time.can neither absorb nor and showed them their ut er dependence obliterate it. of respect to the memory of the great deceased, court do now adjourn until to-mor upon Him. And the speaker searched his The sultan is described as growing morbid in his fems for his persona! safety. He drove out twice lie other day to a mosque, and on each occasion the route was changed at the last moment.

He seems disposed to be ome a hermit. He no longer invite3 foreign diplomats to the palace and audi Bewail, then, true Americans! theuntime- pointed. As President Garfield died on the 19th of September it is maintained by some that his term of office then ended, and that in one month from the date of Postmaster-General Jame's will expire by limitation. It is just to General James to state that this view is only presented by the star-route ring, and it is not thought that James will have to retire untii his work in this direction is done. row morning at 9 clock.

tory for other evidences of God wrathful visitation upon nations lyd emise of him who has become a twin of TWre are two pictures connected with Garfield's life w'dch crowd themselves upon my mind. I see him as he struggUd in early life against obstacles which, to most young men would seem insurmountable, to fit himself, by education, for future usefulness. What a grand picture surroundings, as he is about to take the oath which is to make him the chief magistrate of this great republic, he moves a few paces to the rear, where rests his aged mother, she who watched over him through childhood and who prayed for him through life, as only a mother can, and tenderly bending his tall form, affectionately kissed her. Let me urge these boys who are growing up to manhood, to keep this picture before them. That boy who sincerely loves his mother and listens to her counsels, is not apt to became a bad mm, While we mourn the ioss of the great statesman and upright man, let us not fail to take lesson of his many virtues; and as we return from this mournful ceremony, with our hearts full of sympathy for the stressed wife and children and tottering mother let us resolve to profit by his example.

Monday, Sept. 20, 1881. death to ur blessed Abraham Lincoln; bewail the loss of one of youv most ingenious sons! Let us bear this inconsolable national The Exercises at the Court House. The speakers' stand was erected in the courthouse yard near the Walm street entrance. When the arrjved the immense crowd present separated to allow the to march up to the stand.

A line was formed by the Metropolitan Guards aud Barry Cadets, from the carriages to the seats for invited guests. While the military opened ranks and stood at present arms, the following officers from the fort passed by and took seats on the platform with uncovered heads: General Pope, General Piatt, General Smith, General Bingham, Colonel Gibson, Major Dunn, Colonel Coppinger, General McGruder, Colonel Weeks, Captain Taylor, Captain Marshall, Captain Lyster, Lieutenant Cook. Gen. A. P.

Blunt, Lieutenant rkige, Captain Robinson, Lieutenant Pay Guard, Chaplain McCleery, Captain Gardi. ner. Dr. V. Biart, Lieutenant Evans, Lieutenant Cunningham, Captain French, Captain Koberts, Lieutenant Scott, and others.

Then followed the principal clergymen of the city and the city council. Cretor's band of fifteen pieces occupied a At the Fort. The morning-gun at Fort Leavenworth calamity with the resigned words of Hiob: ences arc obtained witn grtat ditncuity. The Spanish ambassador had to wait forty days for an interview and General Wallace more than a month. "The Lord gave, the Lord has taken away; begun the day of sadness at the garrison.

The first dull boom, as heard by officers may his name be blessed forever. FATHER MCKUKE. TELEGRAPH ICALITIHS. starting. Soon largo masses of people, among whom were many strangers from the country and surrounding cities, began that wander away.

And God had visited this coun'ry to-day. What meant all this mourning in the land? The country isso still to-day "yes; but it is the stillness of death. In every city and hamlet are troups of men and women, going about softly and sadly, telling the virtues Of him who was cut down in the full tide of life ami noble manhood. The nation mourns; and why its sorrow? 1 need not tell you of the scene seven months ago at the inauguration, when amid the splendor such a is seldom witnessed, he took the oa'h of oili-e. I tin -d not tell von of the and men, was felt as The beginning of the General Pope read the following letter ot regret from Rev.

Father Mclvune: a movement towards the corner of Shaw- requiem for their late beloved commander-in-chief. At intervals the minuteguus pour The bank of Luxembourg has gone into liquidation, entailing great loss to the laboring classes. E. B. Combs, who shot and instantly Health, hope and happinesss are restored by the use of Lydia K- Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

It i a positive cure for all those dis-ea-ies from which men sufti so much. Send to Mrs. Lydia K. l'iukham, 233 Western Avenue, for phaniphlets Capt. M.

II. Insley Dear Sir. Your note asking me to take part in the exer nee street and Broadway, the place selected for the column to form, and Shawnee ed forth their tokens of sadness, and a general gloom was noticeable about the fort. cises to-morrow is at hai-d. Many thanks for the courtesy shown me in this matter.

However, in the absence of the bishop my street, as well as the cross streets, became aliye with humanity. The various organi There were none of the racy camp jokes; four months following in which he raw duties are so numerous that I may not be; none of the hilarity known to the sol bright promise of fultillinn all the greatest able to be present, and therefore you will zations which were to take part in the pro-procession arrived at the places assigned diers; officers and men alike felt that a great loss had been made known, and each do me a special favor if you will appoint another to take my place. At the same time I shall do all in my power to make them with commendable promptitude, and attended to his duties.with an air of quiet at 1:10 the stroke of the fire bll lie memorial ceremonies a grand success sadness. killed Walter Miller at Sedjlia, has been captured aud jailed. J.

II. Downing W. L. Fuller were chosen dele 'ates at Hays City, to the sena-toiial convention, both Motz men. The boast was made at the free-thinkers' conference at London that ihere were a million free-thinkers in the United States Swarthmore college, Philadelphia, burned.

The insurance. $150,000, will cover the loss, and, the college wiil be rebuilt at once. A carload of dynamite exploded at Council Bluffs last night, destroying several cars loaded with merchandise and the Rock Island round-house. aunounceu mat the line tiad twim to Our societies will all turn out in full re I position on the platform, also the orchestra at 10 o'clock Colonel Maribua. Cholera Morbus may be encouraged by frequent doses of pickled salmon aud undressed cucumbers, it may lie.

increased by eating unripe plums, aud may be cured by taking Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Noses. co*cked up noses are pert and some say not too civil, Home have nune like a bear when a cub, A flue nose, some time hide a devil, And an angel may beam in a snub. Hut noses of all kiudi no matter their shape, Are attacked some time void, disorder, move.

By this time manv ci ih thor oi la les ana gentlemen under the direc galia with bands. Yours truly, John B. McKune. REV. W.

H. THOMAS oughfares had become so jammed with ve the troops, comprising six companies of the 19th infanUy, under command of Gen tion ot Messrs. Brown aud Scheuermann Notwithstanding the calamity which ha befallen the nation, the governmental ma chinery continues to move on as though nothing serious had occurred The constitution has wisely provided for contingencies like the present, and under its provisions Vice-President Chester A. Arthui bus taken the oath of office and been installed as president of the United States President Arthur is an able and patriotic man, and has bad much experience in public affairs. He is possessed of a wonderful amount of good sense, and ib what we term a man.

He is president, and as such he deserves to receive, as hi ooubtless will receive, a continuation ol that confidence and support which was so bountifully accorded by the American people to the great and good Garfield. At the conclusion of Governor Osborne'r speech, Professor Scheuerman. assisted hicles of all descriptions, from the fine being called upon spoke very touchingly The 19th. infantry band played sweetfy eral Chas. II.

Smiih were assembled on the md in the course of his speech made the following remarks: parade ground. After being drawn up in line, with the band on the right, Lieuten "Nearer my God to Thee," the gun on the lawn fired its startling and the crowd stood with nncovered heads while carriages of the rich to the rag-picker's cart, that to force a passage-way was a literal impossibility, while every available space upon the sidewalks and in doorwavs A forest tree falls amid its fellows; and no one hardly sees the loss; but when the ant Cook, adjutant of the regiment, tall, stately elm that has for generations Topeka, Clay Centre and Fort Scott are among the Kansas cities holding elaborate memorial services yesterday, with im graced the open plain is felled to the Catarrh caused by coid, will cause your head to aihe, But Eclectric OU will soon put it in order. President A. A. Fenn delivered the following ADDRESS OF WELCOME.

ground, then the passer-by feels that an expectations; I need notlellyou of that bright July morning, when the nation was glad in its preparations to celebrate its anniversary proud of its high position among the nations of the world, and equally proud of him who had been placed on the highest eminence of earthly glory when suddenly from the heaven's came a crash of thunder, without a note of warning, ind instantly all was changed. Then came those weary weeks of waiting ami expectation beneath the shadow of death, until one never-to-be-forgotten night in a little cottage hy the seashore the shadows deepened and enveloped the whole land. To his remains lie by the Northern sea, wailing for the morrow's last ad ntes, when they shall be laid away to rest forever. I see as in a vision the whole nation carrying its tributes to place upon his grive; from the South the richest flowers; from the West its gems of mineral wealth; from the Ivtstand North the rarest gems of genius; while from our own Mississippi valley goes forth the loving tribute of millions of loyal hearts. The great genius arnl scholarship of the dead president received fitting mention and tlun the speaker mentioned the lessons taught to the country by this calamity and wherein it might profit thereby.

Ibe nation had been sent to God in nrvr was packed with human bfiugs. Along the line of march the windows and balconies, the roofs and awnings, and other points of vantage wese crowded, while that ild land mark has been removed, and is Ladtij and (ieiitlemm: In obedience to tilled with sorrow. Death's ministration tlie impulses of our conn- rm human is universal. Men and women of every xteen chorus singers of the Mienner Ge sang Verein, sang, with splendid etlect ano read ohder no. 71, which is as follows, the order being in mourning: General Orders, No.

71. Headquarters of the Office, Washington, Sept. 20, 1881. 1. The following order of the secretary of war announces to the army the death stage of life, fall as the ripened leaves of space in the streets not taken up with the the autumn; but the people are only par excellent time and harmony, an ode bv If life is a flower as philosophers say, 'Tis a very good hint, understood the right way, For if life is a flower, any blockhead can tell.

Hut if moistened too much, aud you get a elck headache, A bottle of Spring Blossom is the best thing to. take, Price trial bolilo Hie. Abt. tially touched. Gentlemen, in the last 'ew days a great man has fallen among us.

marching column itself was completely filled with a drifting tide of humanity which kept pace with the procession as i Rev. T. W. Barry, being called upon. whose untimely death has touched the said be came from a bed of sickness, alio ity, and in compliance wi''a the very proclamation of the president, we are gathered to bear wita wi(1w and orphans a ration's anJ sweu the wave of sorrow tnat fi(Mis a continent with gnef, not in svmpatby with the bereaved alone, bu a bereaved, for not more dee(1s o( his ie trian by the of his death did he make his name household word, and his memory a per great heart of the American people, anl moved along.

This city has bee" was not prepared to sptak. He had onlv witness the millions beyond tbe sea. one tl'ought to express, that lor the worli. to many sights and scene General Devens is to give an oration on Garfield before the city council of Boston. Never before, in the annals of time, has seen many to produce such a man it were sufficient.

1 ri'O fit ni ra 1 a- there been such a deep, immeasurable ex Rev. Robert Lrown, ir. a very impressive through i oression ot sympathy tor a sunering, pa manner, luen spoke to the vast assemblage as follows: 653 tient man; an aggrieved and devoted fam burr1- streets, nas sonal reminiscence. ily; and the troubled country, at whose Ion't Die in tlie House. Ask druggists for ''Rough on Rats." It clears nut lats, Miioe, be.l-bu(.-s, roaches, vermin, tliea, autti, insects, loe.

per box. In behalf of mv colleagues, the members RKMAKKS OF REV. ROBERT BROWN. nigh altars ne was devoutly serving when of the city government, allow me to thank History repeats itself, too often reviews lie was struck to the ground by the pistol ou for the hearty response to their proc- the sad lessons of the past, in the bitter shot of the heartless, infamous, murderous unation issued, your presence manuesis. experience of the present.

The pall that tssassin; when the myriad population of And recognizing the eminent htness that a mense attendances. A terrible cyclone swept Camden, near Rushyille, killing the wife of Dr. Watts and inflicting about $03,000 damage in the village and surrounding country. Renegade Indians are still coming in in Arizona. At Sanchez village, Cibicu, Gen.

Carr reports finding murdered soldiers' graves opened and the remains horribly mutilated. Guiteau has been notified that a bill will be brought against him by the grand jury. He says he is ready, and will secure counsel. He will be indicted aad arraigned without delay. An incendiary fire destroyed the barn of one Langdon, near Paola, with five valuable horses.

Being the second incendiary fire in the immediate neighborhood, there is great excitement. Parneli received the extraordinary ovation in Dublin on his return from Wick-law. The people unhorsed his carriage and dragged it to the land-league rooms, where an address was presented. The Williams boys, who made such a name in Wisconsin, turnup in Calhoun county. where they killed the sheriff and wounded two deputies and are keeping a pursuing posse at bay.

The residence of Frank Gibbon, at Seda-lia, was burned down early yesterdty morning, and lour children burned to death, his wife escaping, but sus taining dangerous injuries. A secret service officer with a national James A. Garfield, president of the United States: War Department, September 20. 18S1. With profound sorrow the secretary of war announces that James A.

Garfield, president the United Slates, died at El-beron, N. at twenty-five minutes before 11 in the evening of September 19, 1881. The great grief which is felt at the untimely death of the piesident will be especially felt by the army, in whose service lie bore so distinguished a part during the war of the rebellion. In him the army has lost a beloved cammander-in-chief, friend and former comrade. Proper honors will be paid to the me m-ory of the late chief magistrate of the nation at headquarters of each military de as at no time in its history, and Infid'' Atheism, S.

eptieisin, worldlin-ousness and political corru' which had been stulkip- covet-with unblushing f- and strife covered their h- iiirough the land awful juH- jut had cowered and the world irrespective of po ever darkens the brightness of human joy. and the light of earthly hope shadows with brother in arms, a companion in fame of the illustrious dead, should preside on the occasion of his obsequies rathtr than an oS of thousands ot men ln worked up to the highest of martial and political enthusiasm, has been the theater of many dark and bloody deeds, but the sight upon which its people gazed yesterday has never had its parallel. It can bd truthfully said, speaking in the broadest sense of the term, that nobody staid at home; the entire population was upon the streets. It was a matter of the Dr. Edward A.

Freeman is expected to reach New York city about October 6. and will throughout the winter give his historical lectures in whatever places call for them. His work will begin in Boston, October 17, with six lectures before the Lowell Institute. meat laitu and beliet; irrespective of state or station, from the its folds a continent with tears. Man was made to mourn, and the music of his lift humble artizan at his bench, to the imperial humble citizen.

I avail myself of the un- finds its fitting i arnionies only in tin soverigu of the proudest empire under the xpected though very fortunate circum chords of grief and mystery. The lips ol stance ot the presence of sucli in the per son of Maior-General Pope, whom I have Him who spake as never man spake, hath syllabled arght the expressions of man. -un, have stood weeping, terrorized, at the couch of the suffering hero witlf their iiearts bleeding and breaking because of their inability to aid him in his grand the honor of introducing to you, ana in ln the world ye shall have tribulation. the name of the city of Leavenworth ask learn-' ads in the presence of this uieut. Thus the nation had to pray; it had became a unit; iliermore, "the necessity had been shown of a thorough civil-service reform, and made it a fixed fact in the near future.

The cowardly act of Guiteau was to be ascribed to the evils of the pn sent system, and unless it was remedied the life of no president was safe. Most appointments should he regulate 1 by law and only the struggle lor lite. JNow, as never before, we to preside over the exercises of the day. A nation mourns as Rachel for her child ren, refusing to be comforted for they are not. The lofty cedar lieth low, and" the see the force of the words well nigh in Minor-General Pore took charge of the BURNETT'S COCOAINE.

The Ilest of All Dressing. It allaysirritation, removes all tendency to damlruff, and invigorates the tion of the cipil-lurieri in tlie bit.rhst decree, the promoting a vigorous aud healthy growth of hair. Its effect upon ihe aud richness of the such as canaot be surpassed. Flavoring Extracts are the befit. spi-ed, "One touch of nature makes all the world akin." President Garfield by virtue forests of Lebanon lament.

ceremonies witn a lew appropriate re greatest surprise wnere an tne peopie came from; they were everywhere, and the crowds seem constantly to increase. As the time approached for the beginning of the services at the county court house the people began to gather in the surrounding grounds and the grounds around marks, in which he referred to the charac From the obscure vale of a humble of his noble patriotic and the manly quali ter and noble life of the late president. At ties that adorned his public life home, by the rujged path of menial toi' and seveiest study, if not with the swifi the conclus'on of his remaiks General was the finest blossom of the perfect bo- Pone called upon Rev. Wm. Page, who wing of the eagle, certain with the surt quet, has claims on the sympathy of the made tne loiiowing tnd steady tread of the giant, from nioun American people, by virtue of the princi tie residences in the vicinity, which af- partment and division and at each military station.

The general of the army will give the necessary instructions for carrying this order into effect. Robert T. Lincoln, Secretary of War. 2. On the day after the receipt of this order at the headquarters of military commands in the field, and at each military station, and at -he.

military academy at West Point, the troops and cadets will be oaiaded at 10 o'clock a. and the order read to them, aiter which all labor for the day will cease. At dawn of day thirteen guns will be fired at each military post, and afterwards tain peak to mountain peak of highest files of fret) government, the rights and orEsiNG frayek: fr.le(l a view of the pavilion which had eminence. now of literary fame. now of mill most important left to the president, so thnt this inger may be averted.

Then, the nation had been taught the beauty of home snnctitied by the love and Christian devotion of husband and wife; a lesson which the nation in its present condition neetls to learn. When it had become fashioned to sneer at Uiis old-fashioned ideal of home, the nation needed a conspicuous exnnmle and it has been so beautiful He -mirages of the people, taught, and Almighty God; Thou bast been our been erected at the south side of the con preached and practiced, and defended bv tary glory, now of civic rei own, he mounts till the name of James A. Garfield, the bo dwelling-place in all generations. Jiefore i.nrV Ut the time the head of the Governor Foster says that General Garfield never ha ime enough to do hi- ork. He never bad an idle hour.

The govei nor visited the president on the evening before he whs shi't and found him nioro like the old Garfield than he id been since his nomination as chturful and buoyant as a schoolboy. the mountains were brought forth, or of the tow-path, is proclaimed the president of the grand li, pul lie. But alas for the procession reached the court house almost wete hadst formed the earth and inch (if was taken by the argument, eloquence and his life, he has rendered history and even posterity his debt T. Eulogy is needless, for his whole life, from its obscure beginning to its ending, is one expression of matchless beauty. Monument he needs for during his the world.

Kven from everlasting to ever- realization of human expectations, bii' yesterday he plants his footsteps securely liistineThou art God. We come before ci gathered crowds. The dust blew in blind Thee on Thy holy throne on this our day on the highest Alpine peak of civic glor ing clouds, but the people did not seem to of sorrow, and bow with patieut submis at intervals of thirty minutes between the in the meridian ol lus years, with no fai'ii sojourn upward he bus shaped, chiseled ami mind it in the least, but bore every di of blood upon li'in, no blight upon sion I in life inscrutable and aw tul provi rising and setting sun a single gun, and at the close of the day a national salute of deuces. But Thou art too to err, too uame, with music in his voice. comfort with phenomenal patience.

All good to be unkind; and we know that To-dav how changed; a wasted and nis lil.mir the lina of the procession the wind while Ihou hast permitted this dark shad colored corpse, pierced and torn, in whicl surged in whirling eddies and drove the thirty-eight guns. The national ring will be displayed at half staff at the headquarters of the several military divisions aud departments, and at ow to fall upon our hearts and our nation reail in conclusion an editorial from The Chicmjo Tribune ut lust Wednesday carrying out tiie beautiful picture of husband, wife and fumi.y so lately and closed by hoping that the 'lessons taught by this great judgment might result in great good, and with prayers to the Almighty to bless the weeping relatives and stricken country. The exercises concluded by singing the 30th psalm, as follows: "An dumb I silent stand because hi-work in Thine, Kemove from me Thy chastening hand lleneath 1 hy stroke I pine." FIKST CONGREGATIONAL IIU'RCII. vet Thou art able to res'raui the wrath reputation says that the situe ring that planned the robbery of Lincoln's remains stole the body of A. T.

Stewart and that he knows all about the conspiracy and where the body is. Major General Sir Vincent Eyre is dead William Evans, who is president, of the Emancipation society forwarded to President Lincoln the resoiution passed in Exeter hall in connection with the abolition of slavery is dead. A construction train on the Des Moines and Northwestern railway jumped the track in Green Brier township, G-een county, three men being killed outright and thirty more or less injured, some of whom will die. Guiteau's boasts hitherto that he could get able counsel at the propi time proves a lie. He has sent to Scovill, his brother-in-law in Chicago, to defend him.

If he won't it will be hard to get counsel assigned who will serve, as none want to save his neck. He still thinks that if he escapes a mob a triid will clear him. He knows that Garfield is dead, but thinks in time he will have, the people's sympathy and thanks for his deed. dust into the faces of the men, but in the performance of the sad and solemn duty anil the impotence and the IgnorHtice of all military stations until -the remains of man. and cause them all to praise Thee.

of the day all else was forgotten. It was We lift our Droken hearts and tearful perhaps, as disagreeable a day in this re eves to Thee, and out of the deepest depths "What the Director Sairl. A Boston reporter, while in the office of tbo Ke nd Boston 1 ppit.h Ilxprs sa company had a conversation wiih Mr. B. F.

Lanbee, one i t'ne direct rs of the company, who gave the full wing personal experience; "A little over a year ago I was taken sick. I did not ox -wha; the' oubl was, but I continued te grow worse, a my complaint bulled the skill of my doctors. At last my sy cptonis developed into that terrible complaint, Brt tit's disease, hich has been pronounced incurable by all physi ians. Vy sufferings, at that time were unspeakable. I was bloated from bead to loot my heart pained ni: my pulse was irregular, and I wis unable 'o brea he, except in short con-vii'sive Kusp-i.

hile sulf ring thus I learned of Warner's Safe K-duey and Liver Cure, and although I been given up to die by the prominent of Boston, and tbe had told my fnemis I of our sorrow we bless lhee for tie glo spect as has been experienced for years. the eye oi lonuesi aii-cuon nnus i.i beauty on which to dote, nor the ami I nderest love ought to embrace, from which friendship most loyal and trm turns with averted glance and hastens to bury from its sigt t. But yesterday tht expectancy at lose of the fair state, the observed of all observers to-day as a dot-in the street, shot down, nioie foully murdered than was Csesar, yet all innocent ol Casar's high Ambition For the assassir there is a law and a penalty; for the illus trious dead an honored grave and hal rious legacy left the nation by our depart poashe I a monument that will far outlive the gran, te, and stand erect like a shaft of pure gold, pointing heavenward. Our hero was a noble and a good man, follow him from the beginning, when poverty and obscurity obstructed his purposes; ind huge mountains laid across the path of his youthiul ambition when circum--tances made it necessary that he should jo and earn his own living; poorly jlad, without money and with but few friends, havini only a noble ancestrv back of him; i physique fully developed and healthy, head large and massive, and filled with brain of the finest texture. Nature generous, tender, loving, well nigh to fault; ambition prophetic, that looked up and be-leved in grand possibilities; a will of robust, muscular, irresistible, he started hiss brilliant career, and thus step by step, round by round, he reached the highest power within the gift of the people.

Divinely gifted man ed hero. We thank Thee for his home life, The Funeral Procession. The exercises Sunday morning at the so pure.and true, and good. We thank Thee was probably the largest that has been for his noble, loyal and Drave history as a First Congregational church, corner Fifth and Delaware streets, Bev. Dr.

Thomas. soldier of his country an illustrious ex ample for all time to the nation's heroes lowed memory; for the ber-aved wife, chddren and friends, a world's tenderest the late chief magistrate are consigned to their final resting-place at Cleveland, Ohio, at 2 p. m. on the 20th inst. The officers of the army of tbe United States will wear the badge of mourning on the left arm and on their swords, and the colors of the regiments will be draped in mourning for the period of six months.

3. The following officers of the army will, with a like number of officers of the navy selected for the purpose, compose the guard of honor, and accompany the remains of their late cemmamier-in-chief from the national capital to Cleveland, Ohio, and continue with them until they are consigned to their final resting-place: The general of the army. Major-General Winfield S. Hanco*ck. Quartermaster-General M.

C. Meigs. Adjutant-Generai R. C. Drum.

Inspector-General D. B. Sacket. By command of General Sherman: R. C.

Drum, Adjutant-General, while the order was being read ympatliy. Rev. J. C. Embry.

Bishop! Fink and Rev. CITY NEWS. A Higpins were called upon but at' were absent. Chaplain McCleery, United co ild no live a week, I resolved to try this remedy as a resor I am rejoiced 1 1 say it has effected a periect cure iu my case, aud with many of my friei.ds, who have been afflicted with kidney triinl'le-, either of long andiug or acute forms, and wh a der my advice, have used this raosa wonderful remedy. eodJtvr States atmy was then called and made seen in Leavenworth for years.

It was fully a mile and a half long und was witnessed by fifteen thousand people. The Streets were so crowded, that it was difficult to form the LINE OF MACCH on the corner of Shawnee and Broadway streets, where the right was beine assem. bled, for troop after troop, society after society, and organization after organiza tion poured in, in sucli numbers that it was next to impossible for a time to give them propper places. The streets around Turner hall where it was expected to have the procession formed ihe following remarks: Ladies and gentlemen. I could not do a more fitting thing We thank Thee for his honest record in our legislative halls, and rejoice that no man can lay a hand on his coffin to-day and charge him with one disloyal word or deed.

We thank The for the memory of his short yet glorious service as our president; but hove all we rejoice in his pure, gentle, noble Christian faith. And now, great Kuler of the universe, may this nation go forth from these universal iun -ral ceremonies wiser and stronger and better for this bitter sorrow. Build us up as a nation on the unchangeable principles of righteousness, honesty and national purity. Let us not forget that righteousness exalteth a nation; but sin is a reproach to a people. May we to-day than to sneak a word for the g'iel tricken widow, Mrs.

James A. Garheld pastor, were solemn ard impressive. The interior of the sacred edifice, beautiful at all times, was rendered still more so by the character of the drapings, which were at once touching anil appropriate. Above the pulpit on the south wall, arranged in the form of an arch, in tvergreens, were the immortal words of (Jen. trlield uttered in the city of New York when he stopped the maddened crowd of frenzied thousands as they were hurrying along to sack the otlice of 'ihe World: "God leigns, and the imv rnnient at Washington still lives." Upon the left of the pulpit was a picture Lincoln and upon the right one of Garfield, both tastefully draped with an immortelle wreath underneath; from these counterfeits of the dead ami honored irtyrs, the sombre folds of crape crept upward above the pulpit, following the arch of the hay window, the whole producing a softening effec t.

At each end of the desk, upon Having kt own her personally for many whose lift) no estate began And on a simple village een ho breaks bis birth's invidious bars And grasps the skirls of happy chance. And breasis the blows of circ*mstance, And grapples with bis evil stars. Who makes by force his advent known, Aud hvev to clutch the goldeu ke8 To a mighty state's decrees, And sha, the whisper of the throne Aud move up from li'gh to higher Becomes on fortunes crowning slope, Tne pillar of a peop'e's hope The center of the world's desire. years, i leel mat were sne nere to-oay sue would say to me. express my tnniiKs to these good people.

Let me then in her The late Marie Clementine Francises Josephine, archduch*ess of Austria and sister-in-law of Napoleon wa- a woman of fireat natural gifts, well read, a skillful arlist and the possessor of a memory stored with reminiscences of remarkable men anil events. It was to her that the education of the poor little duke of Beichstadt was intrusted. It was dusty yesterday. The freight employes had no work yesterday. Giacomini has organized a class in chemistry.

The streets should have been sprii.klcd yesterday. The Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific pay-car will be here to-day. The clouds wept last night, seeming as if the very heavens mourned the death of the president. The mother and sister of Mason, the sergeant who shot at Guiteau, live at Gallatin, Davis county, Mo.

name both to the army and civic peo le was so thronged with people that was resent say, if you live as pure as him still hear the voice and follow the teachings whose memory to-day, vou hold so sacred. necessary for the mounted police to interfere in order to clear the streets. First of and imitate the grand eamaple of him God will accept the offering when you ren Our lamentable president was a studious der an account for the work done bete. who is now to belaid in his grave. Ihe president is dead, but the nation still lives.

Rev Father Guenther then addressed man and a man of perfect discipline; was the master of many books Many are the men that have risen from obscurity to distinction, who have tought Our hope, our confidence, our trust are in the audience in the German language, after which Rev. Dr. Nesbit made the following God. let us never he dismayed. Save us as Many miserable people drag themselves about with failing strength, feeliu that they are sinking ii to their graves when by using Parker's Ginger Tcnic.

they would find a clire commencing wiih the first dose, aud viuht aud strength surely coming back to them. See otr er umrJ a nation, redeem us as a people, and let appropriate remarks: enemies, surmounted difficulties, removed the military, came the Metropolitan Guards and remarks of "the re they come" proved that the boys are as opular as ever After the Guards arrived Barry Cadets came on the ground and each compiny was drawn up in line, the Guards facing north and the Cadets facing south, on this last bloody baptitm draw us nearer Nations are made out ot long processes mountains and outran their rivals in the The thermometer was 87 degrees in the shade Sunday afternoon and 00 degrees yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. to the God of nations, and thou shalt have The nation we represent is the production race for honor, Lincoln, a name never to the trlorv forever. Amen. of tears, sorrows and precious lives; all gen.

tope and staff were present, a short distance in front of the battalion. The officers were: Gen. E. R. Phitt, adjutant-general of the de artment, who stood a few paces to the rear of Gen Pope; on the left, and in.the rear of Gen.

Piatt, were: Gen. McGruder, Gen. Bingham, Maj. Wm. McKee Dunn, Col.

Weeks, Col. Groesbeck, Col. Gibson, Col. Coppinger, Col. Marshall and Lieut.

Manning. After the of the order the 19th United States, infantry rendered, with fine effect pleyel's hymn, the sad notes of which touched the hearts of all who were on the ground Gen. Pope and staff then passed along the line of troops, from the right, in front. While the staff was passing the color-bearers, who had the regimental Hags draped with crape. Gen.

Piatt lifted his chapeau and held it in his hand until he had passed be forgotten, the martyr of 18(k, who At the conclusion of this praver, the A valuable bridge across Three-mile creek, in Salt creek valley, was burned yes ascended the height sublime, with the chains of four million slaves, ringing like solo and chorus singers, accompanied by these tr bulations have been necessary to the final fruiting in the grand brotherhood of the American people. This demonstra the orchestra, rendered, in a most beauti the bells of heaven his side; Grant, the ful manner, God, Our Father," by Mo hero in war and peace and the soldier that zart. Prof. A. B.

Brown as soloist, assisted tion is not only in Leavenworth, but. all over this country and Europe. The British queen has laid her tribute on the niem- need not take oft his hat to the the presence of any warriors known in bv the following members of the Kansas President Garfield almost prophet-loally to Mr. Hudsoni an Ohio friend, on November 8th, of a.t year: "I beiieve all my friends are i re gratified with the personal part of triumph than I am, and, although I afj of the noble support I have reo'jived, and the vindication it gives my assailants, yet there is a tone o. sadness running through this tri-umpl-A which I can hardly explain." the pulpit platform, stood a flower-stand containing choice exotics, while all around wete flowers arranged in the form of crosses and other moiiri ing emblems in simple profusion.

From each of the lour chandeliers in the church were hung wo small flas, gathered with crape; at the north side of the organ loft, and upon the organ itself, the national colors were handsomely arranged and intertwined with deepest mourning. The church wis filled completely, chairs being placed in the aisles to accommodate those who could not find seats in the pews, ami over all brooded that sad and sorrowful silence so tender ami so touching. After thesingmgof thedoxology Mr. Thomas read the IKM psalm, from Which General Garfield had gathered the inspiration for the words he uttered to the maddened mob in New York City on that terrible 13th of April, lSfiTi, which had the conservatory: history; these, as well as many o'bers, rose ry ot the dead. tl ere never lias been anything that from the lowest levels of life; had to earn Shawnee street, a few yards east of Broadway.

The crowd continued to grow to such an extent that Capt. Stevens, com-matidirg the battalion, put two guards, one from the Metropolitans and one from the Cadets, in the street, with fixed bayonets, to keep the thoroughfare clear. Insley, the marshal of the day, finally managed with the assistance of Mr.Ed. Morgan, the assistant marshal, to get the Hoprano Misses J. A.

Curley, Katie DeSano brought the hearts of the American peo Lot oe Koche, lulie Mrs. F. B. Kudesill. their own bread and went hungry at that; terday afternoon.

The origin of tha lire is not known, but is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. Fridny evening, at 7:30. the fenchers of the Monument Place church school will meet at the church to organizs for more thorough work, and the singers of the congregation will also assemble to improve the choir, all being im iud. A heavy rain and hail storm passed over the city last night, beginning at about half past 9 o'clock. The wind, for a time," vlS quite severe, and t'ere was a consf j't Alto Mrs.

A. B. Brown, Misses M. 1. Douglass but no man that rose from the lowest rounds carnea as mucu culture" and as Lei a Hoge.

Tenor Mr. Jasper West, A. B. Brown, llasao K.Browu, E. Gregory.

the colors. The staff, after passing along the line to the left and back to the right of the much scholarship to the presidency of the I United States as James A. Garfield. He as a poet of no mean character; a linguist lib cornet, Miss Minnie March; F.b alto, Mies Maude Feuu Eti tuba, Mr. Bussed Fenn; violins, column along the rear, stepped forward to sera.

H. and It. ii. Brown; cello, Mibb Kate liliu.t; organist, Miss Sara V. Toanseud.

Increase and lecrease. The census shows that the proportion of voii rs to iLc i oon aiioa i 1 5 71- 0. TJo pro-port on of troub ed wiih kidney a-'d liver di-iO'drshvi been nlnriuii -iceisi ig at since the ur ive 1 use ot Wa n. fv.f Kidney and Liver Cure tatse ciacase aie rapidly byplay ot lightning during the stortr 0 General Thomas A. Osborne was then damage was reported at a late Uc, called upon to deliver the opening address ple so closely together united brotherhood as the seventy-nine days of dying, suffering, wounded, assassinated President Garfield.

Could our dead martyr speak, he would say: "Love ye one another. Loye the flag; lay aside all sectional feeling; be freemen and brothers, and may God bless you." Rev. Dr. Isaac Stemple, of the synagogue, followed. He said: Mr.

Chairman, your Reverences and Fellnw-Citizeut: Irrespective of nativity, creed or sect, we are solemnly assembled here to pay the tribute of our last respects to one, elevated to the highest station of office possi b'e in the gifts of our people; ai.d behold, though we see here a large honorable assemblage, yet it is only the fractional par night. line, consisting of many societies into marching order. THE LINE was formed at ten minutes past 1 o'clock, in the following order: Escort of (is mounted police under command Oily Marshal Kills. He said: Mr. President and Ladies aud Gentlemen that could converse with Demosthenes and Cicero and Bismarck in their own language.

As a philosopher he could converse with Plato and Aristotle with perfect ease, and as a scientist, Hendry and Agassiz were his friends; and all these bright and shining qualities he brought and laid on the altar of his country. The man we mourn to-day was, in every sense of the word, a public man too great to be contained within the environments of self or of party. He loved Again the republic is mourning the loss of its chief magistrate. President Gar the front again, atter which the troops Lieut. Payne's company on the right wheeled by platoons and marching east a few yards, wheeled to the north and thence to the west toward the barracks, passing the staff.

Gen. Pope returned the salutes of the companies as they passed. He was dressed in the full uniform of a brigadier-general. His staff officers were dressed in full dress uniform. As the roops were passing the band played "In the Sweet By-and-bye." The parade was one of unusual interest, and it will not soon be forgotten by those who participated in the exercises.

etlect of quieting it, and diverting it from its threatened work of fearful revenge. The congregation then joined with the choir in singing Ihe beautiful hymn, "Asleepin Jesus," and "I know that my Redeemer lives." The pastor then took for his text the fourteenth chapter of Romans, seventh "For none of us liveth to himself, and no man tlletli to The uer-mon was an able one, routined to the lesson taught by the life and character of the tel Id magistrate whose loss we mr.urn to day. l'resident Garfield as a scholar Call and see the wonderful New Home sewini: machine at Olivers', southwest corner Fifth and Delaware streets, up stairj- field, the chosen head of the nation, the pure and tried patriot, the cultured and able statesman, is dead. On the 2d day of July last, at early morn, in ihe city of Wasl l'Jth Infantry band. Metropolitan, drum corps.

Metropolitan Uuards with arms reversed, llarry Cadets drum corps. Bnrry Cadets. Gen. Pope with stall' and other officers from I'ort Leavenworth, eight cair'ages. Hon.

T. A. Osborne audi). J. Brewer, Judge of ingion.

as he was on nis way to the rail his country, and his heart was as large as its demands, only at home while acting in way t.ain, he was brutally shot down from behind bv a cowardly assassin. For eleven the interest of the people. lie long weeks his life hung in the balance was the ardent worshipper of liberty, riuprenie Court. Officers of city and county government and courts Guiteau could never sleep at proper hours. Cursed with abnormal activity, his nerves were always on the qui viier Could he have had the soothing benefit of Dr.

Benson's Celery and Chamomile his wretched brains would not have raged? with improper fancies. until finally, on the Itith of the present THE NEW SENATE. the devout friend of the oppressed, and the deadliest foe to treachery and trea month, at Elheron, X. on the shores of with Inviteu guests. Cretors band.

ticle of a whole nation of the moit noble character, with the most liberal institn tions, still shocked at the tidings and termination of one of the saddest events that could befall the people of the United States. Incredible; as it seemed at first, the unparalleled dark crime of an assassin to ail of us to the world at large, still we were oon forced to succumb to the fact of tbo biiter news of the 2nd of July and the mighty Atlantic, at 10 clock and son. lien ir. was not popular to speak on Senator Johnson Gives liis Views Knights Templar, under command of Sir Knight as to mi nutes in the evening, death relieved him universal suffrage his voice was heard, like of his terrible sunering. its, he is dead a clarion-note, above the loudest threats; The veil which separates mortals from when the war broke out, and Abraham thismorning: Lincoln made his demand ior 75.000 sol immortals, so eloquently referred to by Go to Morgan's book store for your Sunday reading.

him in an fddress following the death diers, he was the first to speak in the sen their mourniui results. AO similar in cident of history has ever put a nation ate of Ohio: "Let Ohio send 20,000 men into mourning more profound and sin a statesmiu, a soldier, a presi dent, a man and a Chris tian formed the subject-heads for the discourse, which was in every way worthy the theme, the tune and the occasion. The large congregation found it all too short, and was loath to leave when the pealing strains of the organ, following the benediction, announced the f-lurse of the services. The singing by the choir was excellent, and was a most appropriate and prominent feature of the services. THE FIKST M.

K. I'HUKCll. The sermon at this church Sunday was not a funeral topic for the dead Mr. Howard, in his introductory prayer, offered up a fervent supplication for the Divine Power to strengthen Mrs. Garfield in her great bereavement, and be and give three million dollars." and was among the verv first j.

Hard. Three Masonic Lodges as one body. Rchiller Kncamprueut No. 2, I. O.

O. F. Far West Kucauipment No. 1, I. O.

O. F. Alleinanla Lode No. li, I. O.

O. F. Mechanics Lodge No. I. O.

F. Metropolitan Lodge No. '11, 1. O. O.

F. O. ruiania i-odge Ni No. I. O.

O. F. Leavenworth Lodge No. 2, I. O.

O. Concordia Loilge No. K. of P. Ivauhoe Ixjdge No.

14, K. of P. Leavenworth Lodge No. 22, K. of P.

Kuights of Honor. Ancient Order of United Workmen. American Legion ot Honor. Leavsuworth Turn-Verein. Turner Cadets, Leavenworth.

Leaven wolth Manner gesangverein. cere. And we stand here to-day, like Joseph and his brethren, when they went up All sewing machine men admit that the-New Home is the boss. For saie only at; Chi vers', southwest corner of Fifth and Delaware streets, up stairs. to rush to the breach.

His military ca A floor fell in, on Shawree Rtreef between Second and Third. Vesterday, taking with 2.000 bushels of Darlej- belonging to Brandon tt Kirme'er. The greater of the grain was saved, uninjured. The damage by loss uf grain and expense in saving it wil'. be about $100.

The house is owned bv jfr. W. I). Kelly. It is not right after the telegraph poles hav0 been painted a uniform color that t-ney should be plastered with advertisem*nts, as is noticeable in South Leavenworth, where some of the poles have bepn used to paste thereon a bill depicting the horrors of intemperance, the deep degreda-tion of the rum-seller, in the most vivid manner, winding up with an advertisem*nt.

The city council has compelled the telegraph company to paint the poles uniformly; it should see that they are protected from disfigurement. A pair of pantaloons, a watch and chain, and several other'articles were found recently by an indignant husband in the room where he was, in the past, wont to make his home. Constable John Becker ht Us the articles. The name of the woman mixed up in the cns is Mrs. Bird; the name of the man H.

McKee. It seems from the statement of the offic- that McKee was flagrant dclirtu and had to escape from ihe house leaving his valuables behind. The manner of his escape is said to have been by way of a window and not any two soon as the angry husband of the woman was close after him, and there would probably have been blood shed if the intruder had not made lively steps awav from the premises. Constable Becker the watch and chain left by the gay Lothario, in his possession. On the chain is a he'avy band gold ring, on the inside of which is inscribed, -From The watch has a silver case and the chain seems to be good gold.

The pantaloons are said to be of a cheap variety but well shaped. reer was full and brilliant. He entered of the great Lincoln, has opened its folds sufficiently wide to admit him to the companionship of his fr end. His mortal remains are being consigned to their last resting place, and truly may it be said "the great heart of the nation beats heavily at the portals of the tomb." And this sorrow is not confined to our own land. The whole civilized world stands uncovered at this hour in revrence for the illus to bury their lather; when there went up with them all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house and all the elders of the as a colonel and came out as a brigadier-ge leral, covered with honors.

His career smce, in congress and in the presidency of land of Egypt; escorted both hy chariots and horsem*n, a very great company, and Machines of all kinds at Chivers' Monthly payments taken. they mourned with a great and very sore lamentation for their venerable father with ceremonies lasting seven days. Such Catholic Knights of America, with band, and the Halbet Davis' pianos at Chivers Sonth--upSstaCirsner FiIth 1)elaware beloved father to his country wns the late lamented president of the United States of America, James A. Girfield, fore beginning his sermon spoke of the late president in the highest terms; but said he should not refer to the sad event which has placed the country in mourning in his s-rmon, as far abler iren than he wou perform that noble work. School llookx.

two branches or trie (J. o. A. or A. society, (ierinau Catholic Henevoleut society.

Hibernian Benevolent society. Young Men's Kepublicau and Uemoeratic clubs, with regalia drapei in mourning. Cigar Maker's Union. Representatives from the 1'ubho Schools. Citizea on foot.

Citizens in carriages. Fire department. How It will be Constituted. Washington, D. September 26.

Senator Johnson, of Virginia, in conversation to-day, said he hatPjrt to" hear of a Democratic senator who did not assert the right or duty of electing a member of their party as presiding officer, and of fully organizing the senate by the election of a secretary before doing any other business. He knew of no means of resistance which could be successful, even if the Republicans should desire to resist the right of the majority to act. To the suggestion made by a Republican paper that the Republican senators could break a quorum by refusing to vote, be said that the first rule of the senate would prevent such action, if contemplated; that the rule directs that a quorum shall consist of a nia-j irity of all the members chosen, and worn thirty seven senators would therefore be a quorum, as the three senators chosen have not been sworn, and the Dem ocrats are thirty-seven without Davis and Mahone. The other officials of the senate would certainly remain until the regular session, when it is probable that there will be an equitable division. The committees would be reorganized so that the equal parties would haye equity on the committees.

All these acts and changes he thought would be equtly made, and those who look forward to such a trial of strength as marked the late executive session would be disappointed, whose eloquence and noble deeds conquered the hearts of one and all. The records of his well spent life are too ch and too mted states, shows that ne was a pure, honest, earnest, self-sacrificing statesman and worthy of the honor thus given to him by the entire civilized world. Gentlemen, this is the solemn hour when every eye is turned to the picturesque cemetery in the beautiful city ot Cleveland. Let us, in our feelings, join the long procession and move slowly to the melancholly beating of the muffled drum, and with uncovered heads and oioistened eyes, to witness the last remains of our beloved president lowered slowly by the hands of friendship to their last resting place, and there on bended knees like Hannibal at the shrines of Carthage, swear to perpetuate the same spirit that moved the heart of this great man in his successful ministry. The sermon was a very good one, historical well known to the mmds of every one to The children like nice new books, slates' and pencils.

They can study b.Hter if they have them, and there is nothing like pleasing the children. Ed. Morgan studies to please the children, and they all like Morgan's Bookstore. in its nature and well delivered trious dead. President Garfield was, as the loved Lincoln had been before him.

one ideal American citizen. In his life is illustrated the grandeur and the glory of our free institutions. Born in poverty, and at an early age left fatherless, he fought his own way, step by step, to the proudest position which man is permitted to hold upon this earth. He was a living euligy upon this great nation. He thoroughly earned Tthe promotions which came to him, and was fully prepared for the final honor when he reached it.

He had build-d well from the beginning, fully equipping himself as he advanced in life, for the duties which were liable to overtake him. The foundation of his character, pri allow or to require a description on my OTHKR CHURCHES IN THE CITY. part. But permit me, fellow citizens, to mention only one feature of it. On the very eve of his asscssi nation he THE MARCH of the procession east on Shawnee street was grand in the extreme.

The band8 At the Baptist church Rev. Dr. Nesbit in the course of the services spoke feeling ly of the national sorrow. gave a last audience to tne nited states Picture Frames. Ed.

Morgan has some very eleeant nip- consul appointed lor Cairo, He happening to be of Jewish extraction; and played alternately, solemn marches; the troops kept time with slow tread to the music. The various societies in full un'" ture frames and tiintra a- At the Catholic churches there were no servicei particularly devoted to the great his appointment awakening reflections calamity, but the saddened mien of the looUtTSraVinSr tomake" upon a specimen of history's wonderful freaks a Hebrew commissioned as am THE BENEDICTION. vate as well as public, was laid in sono granite, and the structure which he reared bassador to the ruler of Egypt. The late president, while accompanying him to the As the clergyman so designated was not present, Rev. W.

N. Page pronounced the benediction, and General Pope adjourned thereon contained no doubtful material F. Downs, of Salina, is at nor rotten substances. Garheld was a the Budweis nn oui town in Bohemia where for a thouBna years, most excellent beer wa, made, by a precis different from the ordinary A ters gate of the white house, remarked parting: "And vet. the God of Israel still tne meeting, fully ten thousand people good man.

He was able. He jwas patriot liveth." Here we are at a loss, what more Bull, U. S. A ic. He was pure.

He held no position ii at the Thomas ters. Proceir The "as "ed the Budwets to admire of this expression whether the either in civil or military life, in which he were congregated around tlie speaker's platfarm. who as a general rule, stood pa-tieirly in respectful silence while listening to the remarks of condolence and sympa- sincere christian belief in God's providen failed to acquit himself with distinction. forme and regalia followed bearing emblems of their various orders, draped in mourning. The mounted police at the head of the procession endeavored to keep the streets clear from the immense crowds that thronged them.

At times a halt was necessary before the procession could pats. The sidewalks were crowded, the windows and balconies were filled to their ut most, from the starting place in the march to its end. The procession marched east on Shawnee street to Main; thence south to Delaware; thence west to Fifth street; thence south to Cherokee street; thence west to Seventh street where the column countermarched between Cherokee and Choctaw streets and returned east on Cherokee street to Fifth street tial government, or the tolerant, pious His speeches, in congress and out of it, are congregation bespoke the deepest sympathy. At the German Lutheran church Rev. Mr.

Meyer preached an appropriate sermon on the death of the president, and the services throughout were in full keeping with the sad occasion. Rev. Mr. Kwing, at the Baptist Independent church, preached to a very large congregation, and whose st mtig manifestations of sorrow were very marked. At the temperance meeting at Laing's riail, Sunday evening, the lessons to be drawn from lie life of our dead president were dwelt upon by Win Mason Kvans.

AT TUB 1'ENITINTIARY. Appropriate services were held Sunday feelings towards that mother-religion, of among the finest specimens ot English lit BLAINE TO RESIGN. SPECIAL NOTICIES. which Christianity sprang up? Let us then erature, and the many debates in which he etigaged. furnish ample evidence of his tny ior me memory ot tne murdered president.

The crowd and procession dispersed quietly, feeling sad and deeply touched by the ceremonies of the day. They realized that although the last sad rites were over and the remains of a noble martyr were My barber recommends as a sure cure for corns. corn Trart skin follow for our consolation sake, bis footprints in the belief that his demise also lay with God's inscrutable ruling; let us Lieut. Earth left yesterday afternoon for i amp Grant, Arizona. Capt.

Vernon was officer of the day a1 Fort Leavenworth yesterday. Capt Huesgen is home from Colorado where he has been for several months. T. F. Kirby, of TonganoxJa, was in (he city yesterday, ou his way to St.

Louis Hon. Thomas P. Fenlon is to be counsel great power as a reasuner. He had a logi He Thinks Arthur Should Hare a New Cabinet Postmaster-General Gossip Washington, D. September 26.

cal mind, and his intellectual struggles on the floor of congress show that he grappled find consolation ana comiort at tne na tion's graye bereavement that the issues. Jjehold him as he leaves the schoi interred, tbe memory of his grand and I 13 brilliant achievements, will live in the I of reported here, upoq the authority intimate friends of Secretary Blaine, will una a new Qweuing in room, directing his steps to the work-shop, Hard Wood. oo.orciot'lK'l.

The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.