Warframe Kitgun (2024)

1. Kitgun | WARFRAME Wiki

  • Sporelacer · Vermisplicer · Tombfinger · Rattleguts

  • Kitguns are modular primary and secondary firearms. As modular weapons, Kitguns are formed from three different components that can be mixed and matched before assembly, allowing players to create different combinations of parts with the stats and abilities that they desire. Additionally, Kitguns can be given custom names when created to further personalize the weapon. Like Zaws, gilded Kitguns can be further upgraded with Pax Arcanes and Residual Arcanes. Rude Zuud of Solaris United sells Corpu

2. Secondary kitgun | Fandom - WARFRAME Wiki

  • Dec 17, 2023 · I prefer to use Sporelacer but both are strong af (and combo of haymaker and splat should be the strongest one for those two guns, you may ...

  • I like to run different weapons every now and…

3. Kitgun Builder - Semlar.com

4. Warframe: Best Kitgun Guide 2024 - PlayerAuctions

  • Jan 3, 2024 · The ideal Crit-based Kitgun can at most need two shots to kill everything in the game (excluding elemental gunners or armored enemies).

  • A definitive guide to the best Kitgun in Warframe. Find out whether to use Catchmoon or Tombfinger and optimize your build. Click here to learn now.

5. Warframe Kitgun Primaries - Overframe

  • The complete list of all Warframe Kitgun Primaries. Always up to date with the latest patch.

    See Also

  • A sortable, searchable database of Warframe items.

6. Modular Weapons Guide - Google Docs

  • Kitguns. Modular primary and secondary weapons. Each Kitgun is comprised of 3 different parts: a Chamber, a Grip and a Loader. Chamber. Determines the type of ...

  • Modular Weapons Guide Now updated with Infested Kitgun parts! Want the TL;DR? Skip to Recommended builds. Got questions or something to say? Hop on Discord. Kitguns Modular primary and secondary weapons. Each Kitgun is comprised of 3 different parts: a Chamber, a Grip and a Loader. Chamber D...

7. [Warframe] Kitgun Stuff | Nomadic Gamers - WordPress.com

  • Nov 28, 2018 · [Warframe] Kitgun Stuff · Tombfinger – 1 shot vs trash mobs. · Rattleguts – trash mobs explode on a quick trigger pull, armored mobs take about ...

  • This post will try to encapsulate what I’ve learned about the kitguns so far. My 1st kitgun was one of the “daily specials” that I bought with platinum.  Several people in public …

8. [Top 5] Warframe Best Kitgun Combinations - Gamers Decide

  • Dec 2, 2021 · [Top 5] Warframe Best Kitgun Combinations · #5. Sporelacer; Palmaris; Macro Thymoid · #4. Catchmoon; Tremor; Splat · #3. Vermisplicer; Tremor; ...

  • [Top 5] Warframe Best Kitgun Combinations

Warframe Kitgun (2024)


Are kitguns any good in Warframe? ›

As long as you don't build Gaze, Kitguns are super good.

What is the best secondary kitgun? ›

Sporelacer as a secondary is a big AoE launcher. Catchmoon is a projectile shotgun. I prefer to use Sporelacer but both are strong af (and combo of haymaker and splat should be the strongest one for those two guns, you may change splat for Killstream if smaller mag size won't be an issue for you).

Do primary kitguns give mastery? ›

Ranking Weapons, Kitgun Chambers, Zaw Strikes, Amp Prisms, Sentinel weapons, and Archwing weapons will earn 100 mastery points for each rank gained up to Rank 30 for a total of 3,000. Kitguns, Zaws, and Amps must be ranked up to 30, gilded at their respective vendors, then ranked up again to award mastery points.

What does Pax charge do? ›

Reduces the recharge delay by increasing reload speed. At max rank, it increases the reload speed by 50%, which reduces the recharge delay by 33.3%.

What is the best secondary weapon in Warframe? ›

Steel Path Acolytes and Liches simply melt to this gun's Incarnon form. If you're willing to put in a little work landing headshots—which you can circumvent with the Scourge—this is the best secondary weapon in Warframe.

Are kitguns primary or secondary? ›

Kitguns are modular Primary and Secondary weapons that can be crafted by Rude Zuud in Fortuna or Father in Necralisk.

How many kitguns are there in Warframe? ›

there are 6 kitgun chambers, 5 of them have different behavior for primary/secondary. while Rattleguts is always a full auto hitscan. so 11ish different guns you can make. the loader that gives the best crit stats.

What increases mastery rank in Warframe? ›

As a player levels up different Warframes and weapons, it earns mastery towards their total player level. For every level a weapon gains, it will provide the player with 100 points, and 200 for Warframes, Companions and Archwings. However, an item can only count towards mastery once.

Do kuva weapons need mastery rank? ›

Kuva weapons are a special variant of existing weapons carried by a player's Lich and can be acquired once the Lich is Vanquished. If the player has enough weapon slots, they can claim these weapons from their Foundry, bypassing the supposed Mastery Rank requirement on these weapons.

Can you hit Pax while charging? ›

If your battery or its safety protections are compromised in any way, vaping while charging could trigger an issue.

Why is Pax per person? ›

The term "pax" is short for "passenger" and is used to indicate an individual who is travelling or being serviced. Therefore, when you see "per pax" in a hotel or travel package, it means the price is quoted per person.

Can I charge my Pax in the car? ›

Need to charge your PAX 1 on the road? This 12v car charger is just what you need. Just plug it into the cigarette lighter and you're ready to go.

What is the best Warframe to use? ›

Excalibur. Excalibur is, surprisingly enough, a Warframe based around a sword. It is an incredibly mobile fighter and a perfect choice for a brand-new Tenno, as it is one of the top Warframes. They have a passive ability that boosts their skill with a sword.

What is the best arch gun in Warframe? ›

The best of the best.
  • Mausolon.
  • Amesha.
  • Larkspur Prime.
  • Kuva Grattler.
  • Itzal.
  • Imperator Vandal.

What are snipers good for in Warframe? ›

Snipers are good at killing stand-out targets like Bosses or Heavy Units.


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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.